The Devil and the Fool

Sometimes we face the world and it appears that we face disaster of various forms. These can look like poverty, depression, heartache, jobless, ill health: barriers and blocks of all shapes and sizes.

It appears we’re not free, but bound.

In the Tarot these are shown by The Devil card.

Here we have a creature made up of various parts: Wings, body, cloven feet. All parts to make up one grotesque whole. It’s dark and it’s dank. Two bound figures are his slaves.

But deep inside each of us is a voice which say’s that this shouldn’t be. A voice which proclaims freedom and provides the desire to attain it.

This is the Voice of the Fool in the Tarot.

In contrast to The Devil, this image is of morning brightness and sunshine freshness. A figure walks at the edge of life, knowing no fear. He’s youthful and carefree, knowing that his Will will be done: his desires will manifest.

The Fool has a deep trust in life. Whether this is in God or the Universe matters little. He pushes onwards and forwards, through the shadows which threaten those hemmed in the shadows of life.

We stand in the balance, poised between these two states. When we give up and give in we give away our power to something which we believe dominates us. And we feel the loss.

But take a minute to meditate on The Fool card. Take a thought that this figure represents you in your reality. Breathe in the Fool like the figure on the card breathes in the fresh air. Feel the sun warming you from your insides.

Take a stand on how your today and tomorrows will be. This moment a new change can take place. It might be subtle or it might be outwardly demonstrated in a terrific way. Whatever happens, it’ll be transformative.

The Fool or The Devil. It’s your choice which card you choose to frame your world with.

Still Standing

Well that’s been an awkward move,

Gone from semi-slow-active blogger to zero blog entries in a matter of months.

That’s what I did and, as it appears, what many blogs end up doing.

Though in my defense, I have set up a super cool website.

Check it out! And more blog posts soon.

Tarot Text

Tarot Text Game


Games are fun. They allow for creativity and spontaneity. And they help us remember what we already know as well as creating ‘sparks’ across various bits of information and imagery.

Here’s a simple game you can easily play with a friend, a phone, and hopefully a huge text bundle. No physical Tarot cards necessary.

Send a text to your friend. Include a symbol or image and link it to a situation (real or imagined, doesn’t matter).

Your friend replies with a text which has taken your symbol or tarot image and moved the story or event forward by introducing another symbol or Tarot image.

And on it goes. Back and forth. Each time another prompt, still keeping somewhat in line with the original, like creating your own personal Yellow Brick Road.

The texts go back and forth, adding symbols, creating a scene, flowing a story out of impulse based on Tarot Imagery. No cards need to be had, just a good visual memory suffices.


Person A: We need a ‘stronghold’, a Hierophant hook to pull us further into the Alice Hole.
Person B: A guiding Hermit
‘A’: Camel riding through the desert
‘B’: With a naked woman riding along
‘A’: You’re being silly now. I see your game sunshine.
‘B’: On your horse!
‘A’: Death rides again!
‘B’: Looking for his lover
‘A’: Angel is watching the lovers
‘B’: Angel becomes blind by sexual love
‘A’: Chariots of fire blasting away from the past
‘B’: Moving home after blowing up his house
‘B’: House, tower; House, magician
‘A’: Only indoor images on the Tarot?
‘B’: Leaving with a Tear
‘A’: Magician is in the tower blowing it by calling lightning into force
‘B’: Blowing the tower till it sparks and spits
‘A’: Well it spits out twins
‘B’: And they pick flowers
‘A’: Out of the Empress’s Garden
‘B’: And they explore a dark cave
‘A’: Where the hermit lies in wait to guide up the path of righteousness
‘B’: But they hear a flute and turn around
‘A’: Oh no it’s not a flute, it’s the jester squeezes his wand
‘B’: Squeezing out drops of blood
‘A’: Blood and Water flow like rivers of water as the Emperor changing course
‘B’: The trumpet blows and spins the wheel of life

And we ended it there. No fuss, no bother. Playing with Tarot this way allows the sparks of creativity to flare and the imagery catches fire.

My turn. What tarot imagery is being used? How to link from one image to another in the Tarot? Let the creativity flow.

1: Hiding up a tree
2: Because you’re scared of the fight
3: A branch breaks and sends you down
4: You fall into a lake
5: Of sadness
6: You drink some and forget your past
7: You become a Magician turning water into wine
8: Wine mixed with water

Tarot Client – Reader Relationship

There’s two points in a Tarot reading which can leave one feeling weary.

The first is where you aren’t given much information from the client. Yes, people expect us to know everything. We’re psychic’s after all (are we?). But it doesn’t quite work out like that. To get the best possible help, in the quickest possible time, it’s better for all concerned to share your situation with the Tarot Reader.

We can, at a push, see into the situation and slowly figure out what’s going on. But why put yourself through that? Isn’t the reason you ask a question, to get an answer and some help?

If we have some symptoms and visit a doctor and they say, “What’s wrong?”, and we refuse to tell, then they can take the time, do some probing and eventually come to the place of what you’re doing there in the first place. After all that, you get the help.

This should be similar when you approach a person for a Tarot reading. Cut out the foliage and get straight to the point. Saves you time and you get results a lot better, a lot faster.

We could get into the issue of questions and what to ask. But I’ll leave this for another time. At the moment I feel any question is okay. The more general question, the more general answer; the more specific, the better the answer. Though there’s always the exceptions to this rule.

The second point which is interesting is in the story the Tarot tells for a particular question. We’ve read your comment and question, considered the spread (if any) to use, and layed out the cards. And now it’s story time. From the first glance at the spread, the cards are talking. It might take time to listen in to what they’re saying, or it might hit you in the heart and head that this is what they wish to say.

For us readers, when we write out what the story, we’re in a sort of alternate state of mind. We go with the flow. And what we write is what we see. Half way through and the story, like any good story, changes plot, and it appears that some more depth is added at the end which makes the beginning a little more simple.

For myself I don’t change this pattern. I like to give the client the real idea that I’m working with them, as though I’m present with them. This person I point out at the beginning of the story changes at the near the end. It wasn’t the mistress after all, it was the mother! It’s a twist, and I enjoy telling it. Adds to the drama and the inner picture we paint in the clients mind. They follow along with us as we read.

And when we send the reading (assuming we’re doing it online), we’ve given ourselves along with it. Our reputation, our story, their story.

We’ve took some risks. Said some things we can’t possibly know if they’re accurate. I sometimes think accuracy is overrated. It’s the metaphors which holds the weight. For example, we read a good book or see a good film, and we know how to apply it to our lives. And from here we can change. (This is a big subject worth of a couple of blog entries at a later date).

Along with giving the reading out to the client, we’re left with a bubble which contains a question: Did the client get their answers, their money worth? Not that a reader is looking for how many hits they got. Or that the client is some sort of super universal examination board. No. The result of a reading is when the client gives feedback. Could they identify with the reading? Has it helped them? Has it changed them?

Because, after all, isn’t this the purpose of a Client-Reader relationship? Isn’t this what the client wants — to receive some guidance, some answers, some clarity?

Tarot Play

Wanna Be Gooood!


I was just practicing Tarot card combinations using a story ‘motivation-reaction’ play, and it dawned on me, again, that the very best way to get anything worthwhile done is through play.

There’s not many rules in game playing. And in Tarot we get to make the rules ourselves.

The Rules Are…


  • Make the rules with a broad stroke using a fine pencil
  • Be more than willing to rub out the lines
  • Use your wildest associations, first impressions, daring metaphors
  • Be free, have fun, laugh, explore

Motivation What…?


Okay. Briefly put for those who want a thin line to cross over:

Flip over a card. This becomes the motivation, an outside event which causes you or another character/client/querent/whoever to…

(flip over another card) … react to the Motivation.

The second card is the action or response the character does which was motivated by the first card.

Go on. Have fun!

Children’s Creativity

We had a leaflet through the door about security systems: cameras, lights, alarms. The usual stuff.

Our youngest, age 6, took a look at the leaflet and told a very different story. It goes to demonstrate that encouraging children to think out the box and to let go of their inhibitions leads to creative fun: A new way of interpreting events and situations.

Here’s the picture.

Let the Creativity Flow

Click to see full size. Will open up a new window.


Here’s her explanation of the 6 box’s.

Top Left: We have mummy with eggs. She’s expecting babies.

Top Middle: Here’s the baby’s cuddling up.

Top Right: This is the night light.

Bottom Right: This is their bed.

Bottom Middle: This is their T.V.

Bottom Left: (She asked me what they were. I said they’re locks) These are their toys.

We could all do with looking at life with a different slant. Being able to see situations with a new twist helps us break out of the old and worn.


Tarot Connections

Clearing A Tarot Deck

Using the Tarot deck for readings is a good thing. After all, it’s what it’s for.

Yet after a while you might wonder if the deck has been impregnated with countless messages, intentions, settings, which could affect future readings.

There’s several ways to approach this.

You could, like me, consider that a well used Tarot deck becomes a well used friend. You become familiar and comfortable, and, in turn, the Tarot treats you with respect and provides solid answers and guidence. I wouldn’t necesarily shuffle my trusted friends mind and attitudes thinking they they’re somehow tainted by all the experience we’ve had together. Though that might be a good option with some friends.

If this is how you think about your Tarot deck, then it needs no cleansing or clearing.

But what about the times when it just feels odd? Hard to describe. But it seems as though it could do with a cleaning? Well, there’s numerous ways to approach it.

Symbolic Breaking

Place the Tarot deck face down. Cross your wrists over the top of the deck and visualize a gray cloud forming around the deck, around your wrists. Then snap your wrists apart whilst seeing the cloudiness dissapate.

Stacked Order

Sort out your cards in a stacked order. Major Arcana, Minor Arcana and the Courts. Wands on top of Cups on top of Swords on top of Pentacles.

Chaotic Shuffle

Throw the cards any-which-way on a table or floor and mix and merge them around, knowing that they’re becoming more free of influence.

Crystal and Incense

Place some crystal or gems on top of the Tarot deck, light some incense, and after getting yourself in a calm meditated state, take off the crystal or gem and gently (and saftly!!) move them through the incense.

That Fresh Feel

Whatever you do, feel that your Tarot deck is tuned into you, and that you feel a cleanness about the connection between you and the deck. They are tools which connect you with higher sources, whether these are divine, angelic, or merely tap into your subconscious mind – it dosn’t really matter what. As long as you start building a connection.

Feel fresh. Feel free.

Changing Times

We wanted to know and not to be told
that the fastest way to heaven was in a row boat.
Snap snap.

It needs be a slow boat because I’m not partial to change.
The slower it goes, the easier on the eye as scenes come and go,
But *to my eyes* they all look the same.
And then I can more easily convince myself that life stays the same.
And have a good grumble.

Change happens?

But nothing big.
Nothing too drastic.
Nothing which could upset my equilibrium.

But gone be the days of sluggish movement
And the grumble and groan that makes naught right
Be banished to the heavens this idea of perfection
before we do anything out right.

This little boat of mine
Tossed admist the seas of time
Will carry me forward
Where ever I go
As I open my eyes and
accept the change of times

And row, row, row.
Snap, snap.

Playing With Tarot

Tarot Combinations

Here’s some Tarot Combinations I came up with during some practice time. I’ve included it here to show that it’s quite easy and that we can learn to think outside the box. There’s no mysterious system, no one true and correct way of combining cards.

I’ve uesd the Minor Arcana only. Why not give it a go?

6 of Wands + 4 of Wands
Guest of honnor arrives for the house warming party.

Ace of Swords + 9 of Wands
A new battle awaits.

6 of Swords + 2 of Wands
Going home to make fresh plans.

8 of Wands + 10 of Coins
Rushing to the Market

4 of Cups + King of Pentacles
Refused bank loan.

4 of Coins + 3 of Coins
Delayed progress.

King of Wands + 4 of Swords
Too much activity leads to deep rest.

2 of Swords + 2 of Cups
Undecided partnership.

5 of Wands + Queen of Cups
Creative Visualization.

Knight of Swords + Queen of Wands
Running errands for the woman.

3 of Swords + 9 of Swords
Dissapointed love.

Ace of Cups + Page of Pentacles
A love message.

Ace of Wands + King of Swords
Laying down the law.

6 of Cups + Knight of Coins
Gifts of work. Harvest of Hope.

3 of Wands + 10 of Swords
Progress failed.

8 of Coins + 3 of Cups
Work party.

Ace of Coins + 5 of Coins
Unexpected help.

Queen of Swords + 9 of Cups
Not exactly a party person.

Knight of Wands + 8 of Swords
Rushing into danger.

9 of Coins + 7 of Wands
Defending what you’ve earned.

Queen of Coins + 2 of Coins
Caring for your posessions.

5 of Cups + 10 of Cups
Breakup or loss in the family.

King of Cups + Page of Swords
Over emotional message.

10 of Wands + Page of Wands
Look what I’ve brought home!

7 of Coins + 6 of Coins
How to distribute my will.

Knight of Cups + Page of Cups
Bowled over by a love poem.

7 of Swords + 8 of Cups
Taking all hope away.

5 of Swords + 7 of Swords
Defeated, now what’s my prize?


As you can see, it’s quite easy, doesn’t take long, and increases your skill with the cards.

Cups and Desire

An observation on Cups and Desires


Sometimes working on a dream can be draining. We have this well proportioned cup which we’ve took the time to fill with all positive thoughts, feelings and images.

Then comes the time when we begin to lift it to our lips, and take a drink.

Before we know it, that cup which was once full, is now half empty. A few more guilps, refreshing though it is, and it appears all empty. And so it is.

An empty cup! Who’d have thought it! We feel drained, worn out. The initial thrust and buzz has all but gone and is replaced by a fading memory of promise and delight.

It’s a crucial time. We either look at the drab cup which held so much and cast it away. Or we find it within ourselves to pour another drink.

If we throw the cup, then we’re left with nothing. No liquid desire; no container. That leaves us with the problem of depression and dispondency, and, ultimately, finding another cup. Because who knows if nature or circumstance will provide one. (Hint! Cups are all around us)

The other option is to admire what we’ve drunk, what we’ve done and created, and to take time to refill it. This gives us the initial fill, the drink and satisfaction of doing, a rest, and the refilling: until the jobs done.

We need a cup we’re proud of, filled with necter of the gods, and to down it and enjoy it. To keep hold of the cup is to eventually make dull the liquid fire of life, making it stale and unwholesome.

Water, flows. Life, flows. Passion and lust and love, flows. Let us, in our way, flow.