Tarot Play

Wanna Be Gooood!


I was just practicing Tarot card combinations using a story ‘motivation-reaction’ play, and it dawned on me, again, that the very best way to get anything worthwhile done is through play.

There’s not many rules in game playing. And in Tarot we get to make the rules ourselves.

The Rules Are…


  • Make the rules with a broad stroke using a fine pencil
  • Be more than willing to rub out the lines
  • Use your wildest associations, first impressions, daring metaphors
  • Be free, have fun, laugh, explore

Motivation What…?


Okay. Briefly put for those who want a thin line to cross over:

Flip over a card. This becomes the motivation, an outside event which causes you or another character/client/querent/whoever to…

(flip over another card) … react to the Motivation.

The second card is the action or response the character does which was motivated by the first card.

Go on. Have fun!